Please see below our school policies. Please click on the relevant policy to view an online version. Hard copies are available on request from the School Office. These policies are updated regularly to ensure compliance with the Independent School Standards Regulations.
Policies available:
- Allergy Policy
- Anti Bullying Policy
- Acceptable Use of iPad Policy
- Accessibility Policy
- Advanced Performers
- Administering medicines EYFS
- Admissions
- Assessment and Reporting
- Attendance and Punctuality
- Behaviour Management
- Bereavement and Trauma
- Biting
- Bursaries
- Bursaries Appendix 1 Application Form
- Bursaries Appendix 2A Terms and Conditions
- Camera and recording device use
- Careers Education and Guidance
- Charity Fundraising
- Children Absent from Education
- Complaints Procedure
- Controlled Assessments
- Curriculum
- Cyberbullying
- Data Protection
- Disability Employment Policy
- Drugs
- Eating Disorders
- Equal Opportunities
- Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
- Extreme Weather
- E Safety
- EAL for EYFS
- Educational visits
- Emergency Actions
- Exclusions
- EYFS Behaviour
- EYFS Curriculum
- EYFS Assessment and Reporting
- EYFS Personal Care Policy
- Fire Risk
- First Aid
- Fundamental British Values
- Grievance
- Head Lice
- Health And Safety Policy
- Homework
- ICT Code of Conduct (Prep)
- ICT Code of Conduct (Senior)
- Learning and Teaching
- Literacy
- Low level concerns
- Marking
- Mental Health
- Minibus
- Missing Child Policy
- Mobile Phone
- Non-collection of Child
- Parent Code of Conduct
- Prevent
- Pupil Code of Conduct
- Pupil Voice
- Presentation of work
- Quality Assurance Policy
- Relationship and Sex Education Policy
- Remote and Blended Learning
- Retention
- School Dog Policy
- Transgender Pupils Policy
- Scholarships
- Academic Scholarship
- Music Scholarship
- Art Scholarship
- Sports Scholarship
- Performing Arts Scholarship
- Safeguarding
- Self Harm
- SEND Supplementary policy for Nursery
- Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Policy
- Spirituality and Collective Worship
- Staff Behaviour and Code of Conduct
- Supervision
- Staff supervision across the EYFS
- Visiting Speakers
- What to do if a child is running away from home
- Whistleblowing
- Written Risk Assessment